Total cost to start your LLC or a Corporation depends on the state you want your new business registered in. Our fee is $299 + Secretary of State Fee (Click here to see State Registration Fees)
An operating agreement is a legal document that outlines the ownership structure and operating procedures of an LLC. Whether you are starting a single-member or multi-member. LLC, your operating agreement should address all of the topics below. Some of these stipulations will not have much bearing on the actual operations of a single-member LLC but are still important to include for the sake of legal formality.
On average Secretary of State takes 3 to 5 business days to process an application if there are no issues. It's also depended on the load and backlog of Secretary of State.
In short, an LLC (Limited Liability Company) provides you with all the protections of a corporation for your business and personal assets without the limitations and restrictions. An LLC (Limited Liability Company) is the least complex type of business structure one who is starting a business can choose. Unlike an S corp or C corp, the structure of an LLC is flexible. Starting an LLC also gives you the benefits of pass-through taxes, limited liability, and legal protection for your personal assets.
It depends on availability of the LLC name. If it's already registered, no, but if it's available Yes.
No. IRS requires a new EIN number for each business under it's Registered name. Business Tax/ID is like a social security number for a business, two business can't have the same Tax ID/EIN
Close the existing DBA under your personal name and open the same DBA under your new LLC Ownership
Short Answer YES….. While it is usually legally possible to serve as your own registered agent, some advice businesses to hire a third-party as your acting Registered Agent..
Owners of an LLC are considered as Members of the LLC. The owners are considered Members.
An operating agreement is a legal document that outlines the ownership structure and operating procedures of an LLC. Whether you are starting a single-member or multi-member. LLC, your operating agreement should address all of the topics below. Some of these stipulations will not have much bearing on the actual operations of a single-member LLC but are still important to include for the sake of legal formality.
YES. To own or start an LLC, US Citizenship or other immigration statuses are required.
Short Answer, NO....
To establish you LLC or Corporation, we will need:
- Business Name (We highly recommend you choose a second name incase the first option is not available)
- Type of Business
- Corp
- Other
- Business address
- Business mailing address if different from above
- Owner’s information
- Name
- Address
- Phone
- Member/Owner Information
- Name
- Phone